Sunday 13 October 2013

Dream Logic

Freuds Examples of Dream Logic

"dreams are brief, meagre and laconic in comparison with the range and wealth of the dream-thoughts."

condensation - where a single dream object carries several different association and idea

Symbolism - a symbol replaces a person, idea or action

Visualisation - where a thought is made visual

Displacement - a dream objects emotional connection to a person is changed either by substituting the object for another or by chagning the meaning of the object completely

            a cinematic example of this is in David Lynchs Mulholland Drive where we see the Red Lamp displaced across the film in different locations to subtly tell a deeper story or a hidden subtext that changes the story of the dream. here we see an item that has been displaced to give meaning to it's location and through the course of Mulholland Dr. we see it manifest itself as an item that is connected with the main protagonists home and it's substitution is her implanting her own home into the home of her "aunt". 
This object can be read in a way which embodies all of the forms of dream logic as it carries several different associations,  it replaces and acts as  symbol of herself and is a visual representation of a state of mind, "home".

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