Wednesday 19 June 2013

dissertation proposal REJECTED haha

just kidding but here's an ongoing thought process of what i could do

refine to surrealism i had already considered this as an anti-art approach to film while being something I'm interested in is not what i have been looking at

why is film such a potent medium to depict surreal/subconcious/dream like imagery ?
- we believe film, if we can see something we can believe in it (comment on our literal society who devalue religion for this factor)
-films that create an emotional reaction often act off situations that we can all relate to therefor we find reality in the films
- we inject reality into what we watch (projecting ourselves & situations that could be far removed from our actual reality but we want to believe in it and make connections that are entirely subjective/ objective)
- we believe in it and give it life   - we give it reality without us it's just people going through precomposed scenes
- collective consciousness & shared experience - dreams are a boiling down of all our memories, knowledge & subconscious mind acting out acting as an escape from our everyday lives, while our body sleeps our minds float to different vistas of being through the never and towards infinity.
we all realise that dreams hold some key to our subconscious or that lurking in our subconscious is the key to our dreams so when we see a dream sequence in a film we immediately try to apply meaning to it and decipher it, while this may be

escapism   - we/some of us use these films an outlet/escape for/from our everyday lives and existence to gaze into a world more beautiful or at least resolved than our own

we can look into someone else's existence whether it is ultimately the same as our or the complete opposite they can offer emotional support or an outlet for some emotional problem - again looking to characters for help with our real world issues which ultimately boils it down to a directors/writers/actors life experience as to how believable or unbelieverble a story or event is.

does the realism come from realistic characters? setting? directing? or like i said earlier do we, the viewer create it

we can look to them for ideological guidance whether it's from a character we identify with or with a director we empathise with

films (more often than not) have resolutions, life does not. there is only one ending for us all but where they choose to close the credits in a film thats only the beginning for a lot of characters they then have their happy or not so happy ever after to live or not live again depending on what your watching
- this could be a pro or a con. resolutions only mean the end of one story and the beginning of another when a film leaves you in suspense at an ending it's mostly not due to poor writing staff this is where that second story begins the one that you write. alternatively this non-resolved resolution could offer more solace than a resolved one - in a non resolved ending we never have to deal with the reality or consequences of the last metaphorical 90 minutes we can choose to simply say to ourselves when the curtains draw that the dashing smooth talking womaniser made it out alive despite all odds and that ending fight was too jaw droopingly awesome to be shown for fear it may cause spontaneous combustion of certain audience members heads or that it was an utter massacre and the misogynist prick  got what he deserved - this again is where personal ideologies and experience come into play, these aren't unbiased opinions.

what running time would you give the film of your life? a short 20 minute emotional roller coaster? a two hour and forty eight minute epic or just your run of the mill 84 minute production that simply ticks all the boxes

would your life be in colour or black and white? stark and full of contrast or a symphony of technicolour and equality

how would you film it? in quick snappy shots to maintain movement and dramaticism like godard or a slowed down pan because you see the beauty in the world and wish to experience it?
in glorious HD? grainy 8mm ? or gritty mobile phone ?

where would you begin the story of your life? at the beginning and have it play through chronologically ? would you narrate your own humble beginnings? or would you do something a bit more non linear and start with your death or empty funeral, original right? or some moment that starts the film off with a laugh break the audience in - maybe an embarrassing moment. or go for the emotional anchor, your wife leaves you boo hoo.

and is your life so mundane that you'd shoot it in 3-d just to try and give it some depth

as i type this i can see the first piss golden rays of sun cascading across the roves of the houses opposite the window i'm looking out of or through. soon the characters will be awakening to star in their own shit little pointless self indulgent crap while i continue mine.

i really am talking absolute unfocussed bollocks in this post but it's late/early and i'm enjoying the fact that someone may read this.